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As well as having a history as an international sports player representing his country, Clive is an innovative international sales and marketing professional with success in diverse  areas, such as start up businesses like Secure Care, a successful health care  company, where careful contractual and commercial support was critical whilst balancing the complexities  of  nationwide logistics. This has lead to rapid growth and established Secure Care as one of the top Companies in its field in just 3 years.

Working with established businesses in the retail markets such as Asda, where digital solutions incorporating intelligent CCTV systems integrated to electronic Point of Sales software, provided not only data for sales and marketing, but combated stock losses and provided proactive customer care. All of this experience delivered  sustainable revenue and profit gains in highly competitive markets.

Clive is well versed in leading and mentoring, whist motivating and fostering talent, energised through team work. Clive is an experienced project manager , having worked with IT digital solutions applied to covert and overt systems in the government security world. His team approach and project management skills coupled with his experience in working to exacting standards for demanding customers is invaluable. 

As Barack Obama said “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”